
Conferences & Workshops 

"Eco-Anxiety and Climate Justice", Climate Ethics at the Crossroads Conference, Sorbonne University Abu Dhabi (online presentation), 2024. 

"Eco-Anxiety and Techno-Anxiety", ESDiT & 4TU.Ethics Conference Rethinking Ethics Reimagining Technology, University of Twente, 2024.

"Synergies and Tensions between Environmental Ethics, Climate Ethics, and Research Ethics: A Literature Review of Cross-cutting Concepts" (together with Dr. D. Lenzi), ESDiT & 4TU.Ethics Conference Rethinking Ethics Reimagining Technology, University of Twente, 2024.

""Eco-Anxiety and Ecological Citizenship", European Philosophical Society for the Study of Emotions (EPSSE) Annual Conference, University of Lisbon & Nova University of Lisbon, 2024.

"Eco-Anxiety and Ecological Citizenship", Southern African Society for Environmental Philosophy (SASEP) Inaugural Conference, Kruger National Park, South Africa, 2024.

"Changement climatique, santé et justice", Éthique, santé, climat: penser les responsabilités, Académie du Climat, Paris, 2024.

"Justice climatique et politiques climatiques internationales, nationales et municipales", 26e rencontres européennes de Luxembourg, Athénée de Luxembourg, 2023.

You can see my presentation here:

"Eco-Anxiety and Ecological Citizenship", Living Room Philosophy, University of Twente, 2023.

"Anthropocene and Eco-Anxiety", panel discussion organised by TransitieCinema after the screening of the documentary "Anthropocene: The Human Epoch", Het Koorenhuis, The Hague, 2023.

"Le changement climatique, un enjeu philosophique", La justice sauvera-t-elle le climat?, colloque annuel du Master 2 justice et droit du procès, Université Paris Panthéon-Assas, France, 2023.

"Overshoot and Recover? Ethical Challenges Raised by Large-Scale Negative Emissions Technologies", Ethics of Socially Disruptive Technologies (ESDIT2022), Leiden, Netherlands, 2022.

"Une démocratie libérale peut-elle faire face au changement climatique ? Penser la question écologique dans un cadre rawlsien" (with O. Desmons), La justice sociale, environnementale et climatique : regards croisés, University Paris-Saclay, France, 2022.

"Les frontières de la citoyenneté. Rawls à l'épreuve de la citoyenneté post-nationale", Héritages et usages de Rawls. Théorie de la justice 50 ans après, Paris, France, 2021.

"On the Risk of Trade-Off between CDR and Emissions Reductions", Climate Engineering in Context 2021 (CEC21), Potsdam, Germany, 2021 (virtual talk).

“Ecological Liberalism and Ecological Citizenship”, 6th Annual Conference of the Centre for the Study of Global Ethics: Ethics in a Global Environment, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2021 (virtual talk). 

“Limitarianism, Ecological Citizenship, and Private Property”, Why Private Property?, University of Oxford, Nuffield College, United Kingdom, 2021.

You can see my presentation here :

“Urgence climatique et justice climatique”, Urgence climatique et éducation, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST) and the French Institute in Luxembourg, Luxembourg, 2019. 

- You can listen to the podcast of my presentation and my closing speech with Prof. Valérie Masson-Delmotte here:

“Climate Change Adaptation Finance: How to Govern and Distribute Scarce Adaptation Funding?”, General Assembly of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg, Hamburg University, Germany, 2019. 

“The Ethics of Negative Emissions Technologies”, Ethics and Governance of Carbon Technologies: Exploring Common Linkages and Challenges, Arctic University of Norway, Norway, 2019. 

“Ecological Citizenship and Cosmopolitan Citizenship”, 42nd International Wittgenstein Symposium, Kirchberg am Wechsel, Austria, 2019. 

“Vulnerability, Corruption and Democratization in SIDS: Ignoring Vulnerable People or Unjust Political Structures when Distributing Adaptation Finance?” (with Dr. C. Baatz), Climate Change Adaptation Finance: How to Govern and Distribute Scarce Adaptation Funding?, Kiel University, Germany, 2019. 

“Democratic Government as a Criterion for Receipt of Adaptation Funding”, European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) General Conference, University of Hamburg, Germany, 2018. 

“Synergies in Innovation: Mapping and Structuring the Emerging Field of Innovation Ethics”, Philosophy of Management Annual Conference, University of Greenwich, United Kingdom, 2018. 

“Effective Altruism, Climate Change and Geoengineering” (with Dr. L. Broussois), Imagining a Different Future: Overcoming Barriers to Climate Justice, University of Tasmania, Australia, 2018. 

“Souffrance animale et changement climatique” (with Dr. L. Broussois), 14e congrès de l’Association française de science politique (AFSP), University of Montpellier, France, 2017. 

“The most good we can do or the best person we can be? Virtuous life, climate change and effective altruism” (with Dr. L. Broussois), 14th Conference of the International society for utilitarian studies (ISUS), Lille Catholic University, France, 2016. 

“Questions concerning the contemporary relevance of Rousseau’s critique of social inequalities”, “Meet the author” workshop on Frederick Neuhouser’s Rousseau’s Critique of Inequality: Reconstructing the Second Discourse (Cambridge University Press, 2014), University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2015. 

“La justice climatique globale et intergénérationnelle” (with Prof. S. Zurbuchen), Urgence climatique, urgences éthiques, University of Geneva, Switzerland, 2014. 

“Climate justice and international negotiations”, Climate Change – Uncertainties, Thresholds and Coping Strategies. Normative Perspectives, University of Graz, Austria, 2014. 

“The Ethics of Drone Warfare: Responses to Some Objections”, 51st Societas Ethica Annual Conference: The Ethics of War and Peace, Maribor, Institute Anton Martin Slomsek, Slovenia, 2014. 

“Commentaire sur ‘Les théories de la guerre juste: de la dissuasion nucléaire aux conflits irréguliers’ de J.-V. Holeindre”, Théorie de la guerre juste: perspectives historiques, Crêt-Bérard, Switzerland, 2013. 

“Comment on Bernauer and Gampfer’s ‘Public Preferences on the Allocation of Emission Rights’”, Annual Workshop: Climate Justice in Interdisciplinary Research, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, 2013. 

“Climate change, potential catastrophes and the rights of future generations”, 50th Societas Ethica Conference: Climate Change, Sustainability and an Ethics of an Open Future, Soesterberg, Netherlands, 2013. 

“Distributing the burdens of climate change: Why the developed countries should pay?”, Society for Applied Philosophy Annual Conference 2013, University of Zürich, Switzerland, 2013. 

“Question de méthode : quelle relation entre la théorie idéale et non-idéale ?”, “Meet the author” workshop on Alain Renaut’s Un monde juste est-il possible ? Contribution à une théorie de la justice globale (Stock, 2013), University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2013. 

“What kind of global ethics should we choose to apply our duties of climate justice?”, 7th Uppsala Forum Workshop on Global Climate Change, University of Uppsala, Sweden, 2013. 

“Changement climatique et philosophie politique”, Justice climatique, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2013. 

“How to write the history of philosophy? Questions of methodology”, “Meet the author” workshop on Christopher Brooke’s Philosophic Pride: Stoicism and Political Thought from Lipsius to Rousseau (Princeton University Press, 2012), University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 2012. 

Research Seminars & Webinars

"Who Should Pay for Climate Change? Climate Inequalities and Injustices", Green Europe: Active Citizenship and the Environemnt (GrACE) Webinar, University of Trento, 2024 (virtual presentation).

You can see my presentation here: 

"Citizenship Beyond Borders", Tech Values Colloquium, University of Twente, 2024.

"L'éthique de l'atténuation du changement climatique", Enjeux contemporains de l'éthique en économie, HESSO Lausanne, 2024 (virtual presentation).

"Duties of Climate Justice: The Case of Climate Change Mitigation", OZSW School on Climate Ethics, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2024.

"La justice climatique : quels devoirs pour quels acteurs ?", Les inégalités face au dérèglement climatique dans les pays développés : une vulnérability différenciée, Aix-Marseille University, 2024 (online). You can read my interview with Master students in Organizational Communication and Sustainable Development here.

"Enjeux de la justice climatique", Enjeux contemporains de l'éthique en économie, HESSO Lausanne, Geneva, 2023 (virtual presentation).

"The Demands of Sustainability", Living Room Philosophy, University of Twente, 2023.

"Overshoot and Recover? Ethical Challenges Raised by Large-Scale Negative Emissions Technologies", Tech Values Colloquium, University of Twente, 2022.

“The Ethical and Political Implications of the Planetary Boundary Framework: Taking Population Seriously in the IPAT Equation” Human Tech Colloquium, University of Twente, 2022.

"Justice climatique et négociations internationales", De l'Accord de Paris à la justice climatique : que peut le droit face au dérèglement climatique ?, Paris, Institut de la transition environnementale de l'Alliance Sorbonne Université (ITE), 2022 (virtual talk).

You can see my presentation here:

"Enjeux de la justice climatique", Enjeux contemporains de l'éthique en économie,  HESSO Lausanne, 2022 (virtual talk).

"Cosmopolitan Citizenship and Ecological citizenship: The Interdependency Thesis", Centre for Ethics, Law and Public Affairs, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, 2022 (virtual talk).

"Eco-Anxiety and Responsibility for Future Generations", Climate Crisis and Future Generations, Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies & Labont Center for Ontology, Pisa, Italy, 2021 (virtual talk).

You can see my presentation here:

“Justice climatique et théorie non-idéale”, Introduction à l’éthique internationale, University of Montreal, Canada,  2021 (virtual talk).

"Cosmopolitan Citizenship and Ecological Citizenship: The Interdepedency Thesis", Philosophy Society, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2021.

"La citoyenneté écologique est-elle post-cosmopolitique ?", La citoyenneté, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2021 (virtual talk).

La justice climatique: quels devoirs pour quels acteurs ?”, Introduction à l’éthique internationale, University of Montreal, Canada, 2021 (virtual talk). 

“Citoyenneté cosmopolitique, citoyenneté écologique et souveraineté”, Société et souveraineté, Université Grenoble Alpes, France, 2021 (virtual talk)

You can listen to the podcast of my presentation here:

“Promoting Justice in Climate Policies”, Philosophical Issues in Modelling Climate Change, University of Bern, Switzerland, 2020 (virtual talk). 

“Justice climatique, urgence climatique et éco-anxiété", Les discours sur l’éco-anxiété dans les pays francophones, Department of French, Kiel University, Germany, 2019. 

“Non-Anthropocentric Climate Ethics”, Environmental Ethics, CIEE Global Institute in Berlin, Germany, 2019. 

“Philosophie et changement climatique : quelle méthode pour la justice climatique ?”, Philosophie et interdisciplinarité, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2016. 

“Changement climatique, santé et droits de base”, Santé, environnement et éthique, University of Lausanne, Switzerland, 2015. 

“Les théories de la justice climatique comme théories de la justice appliquée”, (with Prof. A. Renaut), Inégalités entre globalisation et particularisation, Paris-Sorbonne University, France, 2014. 

Changement climatique et justice intergénérationnelle: nos devoirs envers les personnes futures”, Journée doctorale de philosophie, University of Bourgogne, France, 2013.