
Teachings at the University of Twente (2022-)

For the Creative Technology Bachelor program, I teach the Reflection 2 module on topics such as the ethics of Big Data, ethical extensionism, and the ethics of digital extended reality, in collaboration with Dr. Alexandria Poole.

For the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor programme, I teach the Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer module on topics such as engineering ethics, space ethics, and the ethics of whistleblowing, in collaboration with Dr. Michael Nagenborg.

For the International Business Administration Bachelor programme, I teach the ChangeL module on business ethics and related research fields such as responsible innovation, in collaboration with Dr. Alexandria Poole.

For the Creative Technology Bachelor program, I taught in 2023 the Reflection 1 module, on topics such as ethical theories, the ethical cycle, and the ethics of the Internet of Things, in collaboration with Dr. Alexandria Poole.

For the Mechanical Engineering Bachelor programme, I taught in 2022–2023 Energy and Material module on stakeholder analysis, responsible innovation, and sustainability ethics.

For the Bachelor Honours programme, I taught in 2022–2023 the Innovation Project 1 module on sustainability ethics.

Teachings at the University of Warwick (2021-2022)

I taught four seminars on the history of political thought for the undergraduate module PO201 Political Theory from Hobbes: Seeking Freedom and Equality

I aslo taught three seminars on contemporary political theory for the undergraduate module PH338 Principles of Political Economy: Philosophy & Politics.

Teachings at Kiel University (2018-2020)

I taught four seminars in English at Kiel University in the Master programme in environmental philosophy

You can access the syllabus for each course by clicking on the title of the teaching

Teachings at the University of Lausanne (2012-2017)

I taught three BA seminars in French for first-year students: 

I also taught 16 courses and seminars in French with my PhD co-supervisor, Simone Zurbuchen. A short description of these teachings can be found here

MA seminars:

BA seminars:

BA Lectures